Have you ever noticed how often this happens?
I’m not saying you don’t have to do your work, but have you noticed that when you stop pushing so. darn. hard. what you need becomes available?
Maybe you have done what you were supposed to do: you followed the formula, your timeline and bullet journal were on schedule, filled out and colored in.
You did All The Things.
Yet the goal remained elusive.
SO frustrating.
I know, I’ve been there. Sometimes I still find myself thinking “I don’t know what else to do!” as I throw my hands in the air and roll my eyes and stomp around a bit.
That’s how I know it’s time to back off. If I really have done everything that is my responsibility and the stated goal remains out of reach, maybe it’s because it’s not time yet.
Or at all.
Maybe I have set my sights on something that isn’t even mine.
I have pounded that square peg into the round hole more than once and then wondered why the results were a shambles.
Slow down so you can hear
When you have all the engines running “balls out” the noise can drown out what the Powers That Be are trying to tell you and you miss the cues the Universe is lobbing your direction.
A cue might be to take a slightly different angle with your original plan or it might be to go an altogether different direction.
But it’s always an insight that can’t be gotten when you are pushing too hard to hear.
So give it a whirl the next time you keep bonking into obstacles. What do you have to lose?
I’ve found slowing down has helped me find the right job, the correct way to word a difficult conversation and it’s even helping me get my first pull-up.
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