Learning Is Rarely A Linear Path

So I started out with Moosepat knowing only that I had something to offer and perhaps I could also provide myself with a bit of income. I did not know how steep the learning curve would be, but why not go for it?

When I look back eight years I remember how it felt to be utterly uprooted. 

One day at a time? Some days it was ten minutes at a time. 

One foot in front of the other…and the teachers came into my life when I needed that next step. I didn’t do it all myself. 

People gave me hints, insights, lead me to books and classes and here I am now; published and professional.

And still learning. Always learning. 

And some days when I am stuck I think “I am going to do something, even if it’s wrong” and a path opens.  

It doesn’t matter if it’s practicing violin (which my cat hates), or the bodhran (which he likes), or painting or writing or prepping for an audition. 

Pippin being crazy with a kitty kick stix

Sometimes we have to do to get to where we can be. 

And then we need to pass it on. I am happy to share what I have learned and from whom. We each stand on others’ shoulders.

My latest mentor has been Samantha English of Marketing Academy for Small Business. Not sure a business could get any smaller than mine and her course has helped me immensely. I highly recommend it as I have never taken a marketing/business class in my life…and here I am. Give her site a gander!


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Connie Scott Productions