Category Archives: Writing


The anticipation was building and I woke up this morning expecting that by nightfall I would be holding a copy of my book In. My. Hands. It’s been such a long road. Morning chores done, Pippin settling down for his first nap of the day and on to my emails. *GASP*. NOOOOOOO….! To quote Monty… Continue Reading

It’s The Day!

I knew this day would come because that was the plan. I didn’t know it would feel this weird. Suddenly I have free time. I cleaned my house and made food for the next two shifts…and I still have time. And I am going to enjoy it. You see, I have a tendency to fill… Continue Reading

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Leap?

Big Changes, Big Choices I am closer to the edge but still fidgeting, walking up and peering over, backing up, afraid to make the leap. What began five years ago as a vague notion has coalesced into a plan. The edges are still a little blurry but the core is solid. And true to form,… Continue Reading

Yoga Not

I should be at yoga. That is what is on the calendar for today, in a very tightly scheduled three weeks but I kind of just…didn’t go. Most Sunday mornings I find it refreshing but today the quiet of my little house was what I needed most. So here I am, melted into the peace.… Continue Reading

Holy Cats! I Won?

We all know someone who seems to win stuff all the time, right? I am not one of those people. Maybe this has changed now. Maybe not, but in the meantime I am honored to be among these other writers in this contest: That’s me…the 10th one down! I have spent the first days… Continue Reading

My Very First Guest Post!

It’s been forever since I posted anything here, but that’s not because I haven’t been busy. Au contraire…I enrolled in Jon Morrow’s Guest Blogging course and in my spare time have been writing and re-writing…and re-writing some more. Liz, Cate and Robert are the editors who have encouraged, corrected, suggested, directed and helped me to… Continue Reading

Connie Scott Productions