Category Archives: Writing

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye….

Saying goodbye is hard, and I have perseverated over this decision for long enough.

All things must pass and it’s time to do something different here. Mixed emotions for sure, looking back to when I started this blog.

Lordy, I was shattered.

Better now but it’s a long slog, undoing fifty years of situations I didn’t sign up for.

So…if you are so inclined, follow me on Medium for writing and IG for art.

It’s been grand, and thank you for reading.

Safe travels, wherever your journey leads.

Single gull over the ocean sunset; it's time to say goodbye

Card Tricks

  Ah, the business card. Crisp edges, clear font, perfect size and weight. A work of art in the palm of your hand. The trend is to take a photo of a business card so it is on your phone and won’t get lost in a pile somewhere, but for those of us who are… Continue Reading

Since The Last Time We Spoke

A lot of things have happened Since the last time we spoke Some of them are funny Some of ’em ain’t no joke  “My Thanksgiving” by Don Henley   When the nuns sold my old hospital we told ourselves it would be OK, we would be able to continue the culture of caring and comfort, practicing… Continue Reading

Autumn Is Coming!

Not very original, I know, but I had to kick the heat on this morning and this happened, so it’s true. The first yellow leaf of Autumn.   Summer dawdled through a damp and cool June. In July it exploded into two months of fast and furious outdoor activities. I am always rather wupped by… Continue Reading

Never Give Up!

So this happened today: Never give up. After so many years and starts and stops and hiccups and bumps in the road, here it finally is. It’s not perfect but it is pretty freaking OK for a first effort and I am happy. Actually, I am thrilled to pieces. Squeeeee!! AND it is on Amazon… Continue Reading

Well, We’re Getting There…

ohmygosh. I thought I was going to be able to wrap this part up today. The good news: I got the proof of my book and it looks great. The not-so-good-news: There is a small hiccup of the pagination being off so I have a trouble ticket in to the printer. On that note, I… Continue Reading

Connie Scott Productions