Category Archives: war

A Year On And The Government Stands

Russia thought the government would just fold up

Governments around the world have shown us who they are and what they care about (hint: it’s not people, peace or justice).

President Zelenskyy was right about Russian Federation and Iran; “one terrorist has found the other”.

A year of cowardly destruction by the terrorist Russian Federation government…and the Ukrainian people still stand.

So today, for President Zelenskyy, First Lady Zelenska and the Ukrainians fighting for their lives, homes and freedoms:

Slava Ukraini!

small crochet heart in the colors of the Ukrainian government's flag


And because words without actions are hollow, here are some ways to help in Ukraine and other areas where people and animals are in need:

Doctors Without Borders

World Central Kitchen

International Federation for Animal Welfare


Five Words in Ukrainian

When I was a nurse I took care of many people from other countries and I always learned five words in their language: please, thank you, hello, good bye and excuse me. The Basic Five. People seemed to enjoy being greeted in their native tongue (even though my accent was often laughable), and it felt… Continue Reading

The Russian Federation is Whining Again

Bombed out apartment building in Ukraine. Putin’s temper tantrum continues. Sketch by the author I peek at the headlines every morning trying to stay reasonably informed but not overwhelmed. I cannot help if I allow myself to be dragged under by events. This morning it was announced that Putin is complaining that NATO is waging… Continue Reading

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I can’t hear you….the shelling is too loud Today Russia’s actions perfectly illustrated why it does not belong on the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. Russia’s words of “liberation” for the Ukrainian people were drowned out by the shelling of civilians waiting to be evacuated at Kramatorsk train station. Yesterday after being suspended… Continue Reading

Connie Scott Productions