Do you know where your Congresspeople are?
If, like me, you are in Utah, you can be assured they are all in church, professing to follow the teachings of Jesus.
You know…Jesus…the man who taught that we should protect the poor and vulnerable, “do unto others as you would have done unto you” (Matthew 7:12), “to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).
That guy. The guy they pledge their life and works to so they are “temple-worthy”.
And then in two days they will go vote on a budget bill that does just the opposite. They will award tax cuts that would give households who make roughly $743,000 a year or more, a tax cut averaging $62,000 a year.
And to pay for this they will reduce Medicaid, Health Care, Housing and Food assistance to those who are children, elderly, disabled, pregnant (ah but we are so “pro-life” in Utah) and in nursing homes, many who are already living at or below poverty level.
Congressional (especially in Utah) representatives’ mental gymnastics score 11/10.
So….Call your reps today, Monday and Tuesday. is a great help if you are feeling nervous about what to say, or just speak your mind. Leave voicemails with your name and zip code at all the offices you can get through to (DC or local offices).
Remind them we see the dollars being racked up by the White House junkets to play golf and attend sports events. Remind them the things happening are illegal and we will remember which side they stood with.
Remind them we vote, and we are pissed off.