Category Archives: Musings/Rantings

When Your Brain Has Other Ideas

Arg…sometimes my brain has other ideas and sleeping isn’t one of them. I have a back room in my brain. It’s where I keep plans, projects and problems I’m not immediately working on. Sometimes it gets quite crowded and generally I keep it orderly by making lists of All The Things. Lately, though, with the… Continue Reading

First World Problems

Oh. My. Gosh. I apparently had a paper napkin in a pocket and it went through the washer. And the dryer. I didn’t realize the lint trap in the dryer could hold that much fluff…and all this from a small napkin. Yikes. I shook clothing out, used up half a lint roller and am still… Continue Reading

The Anniversary I Thought I’d Never Have

Today would have been my forty-first wedding anniversary. What is extraordinary is that I realized it’s the first time in a long while I haven’t associated the date with sadness, anger…grief. Even when I was still married, today was a reminder of how far we had slipped, how dark the future. How I didn’t think… Continue Reading

I Just Don’t Even Know

    Some days are like that, and today is one of them; I just don’t even know. Hell, I don’t even know what it is I don’t even know. So I thank All The Powers That Be for the gym and the road. Isak Dineson said “The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears… Continue Reading

The In-between-Season

  The snow tires are off and the Sandhill cranes have returned but I don’t yet dare to wash and put away my winter coat. It’s that weird in-between-season: too warm for flannel sheets and too chilly for regular ones. Ah, spring in the Rockies! Continue Reading

To Slow Down is to Catch Up

  Paradox Have you ever noticed how often this happens? I’m not saying you don’t have to do your work, but have you noticed that when you stop pushing so. darn. hard. what you need becomes available? Maybe you have done what you were supposed to do: you followed the formula, your timeline and bullet… Continue Reading

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