Category Archives: current events

It’s Sunday….

Do you know where your Congresspeople are?

If, like me, you are in Utah, you can be assured they are all in church, professing to follow the teachings of Jesus.

You know…Jesus…the man who taught that we should protect the poor and vulnerable, “do unto others as you would have done unto you” (Matthew 7:12), “to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).

That guy. The guy they pledge their life and works to so they are “temple-worthy”.

And then in two days they will go vote on a budget bill that does just the opposite. They will award tax cuts that would give households who make roughly $743,000 a year or more, a tax cut averaging $62,000 a year.

And to pay for this they will reduce Medicaid, Health Care, Housing and Food assistance to those who are children, elderly, disabled, pregnant (ah but we are so “pro-life” in Utah) and in nursing homes, many who are already living at or below poverty level.

Congressional (especially in Utah) representatives’ mental gymnastics score 11/10.

So….Call your reps today, Monday and Tuesday. is a great help if you are feeling nervous about what to say, or just speak your mind. Leave voicemails with your name and zip code at all the offices you can get through to (DC or local offices).

Remind them we see the dollars being racked up by the White House junkets to play golf and attend sports events. Remind them the things happening are illegal and we will remember which side they stood with.

Remind them we vote, and we are pissed off.

resist Smokey the Bear sticker on a water bottle

Five Words in Ukrainian

When I was a nurse I took care of many people from other countries and I always learned five words in their language: please, thank you, hello, good bye and excuse me. The Basic Five. People seemed to enjoy being greeted in their native tongue (even though my accent was often laughable), and it felt… Continue Reading

The Russian Federation is Whining Again

Bombed out apartment building in Ukraine. Putin’s temper tantrum continues. Sketch by the author I peek at the headlines every morning trying to stay reasonably informed but not overwhelmed. I cannot help if I allow myself to be dragged under by events. This morning it was announced that Putin is complaining that NATO is waging… Continue Reading

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I can’t hear you….the shelling is too loud Today Russia’s actions perfectly illustrated why it does not belong on the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. Russia’s words of “liberation” for the Ukrainian people were drowned out by the shelling of civilians waiting to be evacuated at Kramatorsk train station. Yesterday after being suspended… Continue Reading

The Soul of a Country

The other day this thought popped into my head: Mother Russia is weeping for her children, and has been for many years. This impression that the soul of Russia is maternal began in the third grade when I read a book of Russian folk tales. Pasternak’s Dr. Zhivago, followed by Dostoevsky and a summer of… Continue Reading

Does Anyone Have an Answer to This Trauma?

I was talking with my nurse daughter the other day about how bizarre it is that the war in Ukraine is still going on. If this was a natural disaster or building collapse or other trauma, we and other first responders would immediately mobilize to stop the damage and render care to the casualties. But… Continue Reading

The Good People of ArmStreet

The insanity continues, as does the courage and resistance to the war criminal Putin. ArmStreet is holding the line with all of Ukraine! Some of you may know I am with a band called “Bards and Nobles” and many of my costumes have come from, located in Ukraine. They have been a delight to… Continue Reading

Connie Scott Productions