Category Archives: Critters


Do you suffer from terminal snooze button pushing? Do the sticky fingers of sleep tighten their grip on you when your alarm goes off in the morning? Have you tried every trick in the book to rise and shine but without success? My son William recently suggested the most effective sound an alarm clock could… Continue Reading


PippinTook is Gandalf’s little brother. Never mind that he is of a different species, he is the quirky, social butterfly younger sibling to Gandalf’s older, more sensible, kind of nerdy big brother. An odd couple by any definition, Pippin adds a certain flavor to our family; remember the movie Young Frankenstein and Marty Feldman’s character… Continue Reading


  I’m told the Eskimos have something like thirty-seven words for snow, and in the last eighteen months of walking with Gandalf I have come to realize that likewise there should be many more words for darkness. In our culture we only quantify not-light as “dark” or “dusk” but it is my theory that dark… Continue Reading

Morning moon

I stepped out into the dark with Gandalf this morning, took a breath and my nose slammed shut. I expected cold but not like this and nasal malfunction is a pretty reliable indicator that it’s somewhere close to zero. Gandalf thought this was *perfect* weather and he bounced off to roll in the snow. Watching… Continue Reading

Gandalf the Green

This is my dog Gandalf the Grey, and yes, he is covered in bullsh*t.  Real, fresh, soupy, green, straight-out-of-the-bull sh*t. I had seen him out rolling and cavorting in the field and thought “Ah, now, there’s a happy dog… nice”. I let him bounce around for a couple more minutes and then called him. He came… Continue Reading

Gandalf the Grey (Ghost)

I am privileged to share my home with Pippintook, the cat and Gandalf the Grey, the Norwegian Elkhound. Gandalf is my boon companion; he is dignified yet playful, smart without being cocky, and gorgeous. He loves the snow (that must be the Norwegian part) and watching him roll and snuffle and luxuriate in it always makes… Continue Reading

Connie Scott Productions