Category Archives: Amazing Facts

Holding On By Your Toenails Is Still Holding On

Welp, it’s been tough and it’s likely to get tougher but holding on by your toenails is still holding on, right?

I’ll take it.

bird clutching stems with its toes
credit: KT on Unsplash


I have lowered my bar considerably and it’s kind of simplified things.

Gratitude: I wake up “every day thankful” because I feel better after I find at least one thing to write down.

Ugh, the news. I spend maybe twenty minutes a day looking at the news and most of that is on the BBC. Everyone else has an agenda and it is exhausting. Walter Cronkite, I miss you.

I curated my social media to include only a few sites. Architecture, music, humor and cute animals.

And memes.

We have fewer people in clinic so now I don’t have to park in the hinterlands. If it wasn’t for the memes and the parking I wouldn’t do this gig at all. *wink*

The other day I was driving Rebecca to karate (the bus routes were decreased in the spring and it takes her an hour to go 8 miles now) and she was telling me about this shirt:

T-REX trying to do push ups but his arms are too short

She was laughing so hard she could barely talk. Pure, right-from-the-gut, tears-running-down-your-face laughter. I thought she was going to aspirate there for a minute. It was absolutely joyful and it makes me smile to remember it now.

So of course I am going to surprise her with it for her workouts. Hopefully she can stop laughing long enough to actually DO a workout.

Has anyone seen the comet NEOWISE? My cat walked across me about 3am this morning and that’s about the time it has been visible. Since I was awake (“No, Pippin, it’s not time for breakfast”) I threw on my robe and went outside.

I didn’t see the comet (mountains might have been in the way) but I did see a beautiful night sky and a surprisingly bright sliver of moon.

It was just the cat and me and the moon and stars. And some cool clouds.

Then we went back to bed because another day was only a few hours away.

Another day and we are Still Standing!


PS: If you also find the T-Rex shirt hysterical, I got it on Amazon. I do not receive any compensation for saying this.

Connie Scott Productions