Author Archives: Claire

Gandalf the Brave

Gandalf was the bravest dog I knew. Once in my old house I heard a noise outside, probably deer or foxes or some other animal, and I opened the front door to peek. Gandalf charged past me and leapt off the porch into the darkness. There was no hesitation on his part and I stood… Continue Reading

An Unexpected Owl

We were getting ready to leave work one night and heard the unexpected sound of raindrops pelting the windows. We lined up at the glass, watching the weather blow in. Ferocious wind drove the rain in around the door seals while the lightning strobe-lighted the parking lot. Waves of rain swept across the asphalt as… Continue Reading

The Best Gift

Lately I seem to be surrounded by a fair number of people who have found happy romantic relationships the second, third, even fourth time around. Everywhere I look people are showing wedding photos, talking about just-the-two-of-us vacations and date nights, while I hang out with the two furry loves of my life, Gandalf and Pippin. My… Continue Reading

Yoga Not

I should be at yoga. That is what is on the calendar for today, in a very tightly scheduled three weeks but I kind of just…didn’t go. Most Sunday mornings I find it refreshing but today the quiet of my little house was what I needed most. So here I am, melted into the peace.… Continue Reading

Holy Cats! I Won?

We all know someone who seems to win stuff all the time, right? I am not one of those people. Maybe this has changed now. Maybe not, but in the meantime I am honored to be among these other writers in this contest: That’s me…the 10th one down! I have spent the first days… Continue Reading

How I Found the Perfect Tattoo

I recently read a post where a woman explained that she didn’t have a tattoo because “Why would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari?” While this is clever and noble and high-minded, it is not why I have waffled about getting my own tattoo. No….my reasons are far more mundane and un-glamorous. I… Continue Reading

My Very First Guest Post!

It’s been forever since I posted anything here, but that’s not because I haven’t been busy. Au contraire…I enrolled in Jon Morrow’s Guest Blogging course and in my spare time have been writing and re-writing…and re-writing some more. Liz, Cate and Robert are the editors who have encouraged, corrected, suggested, directed and helped me to… Continue Reading

Connie Scott Productions